• litaba-3


Polyethylenepe-based wood plastic composite (PE-based WPC) ke mofuta o mocha oa lintho tse entsoeng lapeng le mose ho maoatle lilemong tsa morao tjena, o bua ka tšebeliso ea polyethylene le phofo ea patsi, lekhapetla la raese, phofo ea bamboo le likhoele tse ling tsa semela tse kopantsoeng le thepa e ncha ea lehong, ho kopanya le granulation ea likaroloana tse kopantsoeng tse lokiselitsoeng ke tlhahiso ea liphanele kapa litlaleho tsa thepa e tala, haholo-holo e sebelisoang ho thepa ea mohaho, thepa ea ka tlung, thepa le liindasteri tsa ho paka, ka melemo ea lehong la tlhaho le polasetiki.

Lisebelisoa tsa lehong-polasetiki li thehiloe holim'a polyethylene le likhoele tsa lehong, tse nang le melemo ea lehong la tlhaho le polasetiki. PE-based WPC e na le polasetiki 'me kahoo e na le modulus e ntle ea elasticity. Ho feta moo, ka lebaka la fiber le ho kopanya ka ho feletseng le polasetiki, thepa ea 'mele le ea mechine e kang ho hatella le ho kobaha ho bapisoa le lehong le thata, ho tšoarella ha eona ho molemo haholo ho feta thepa e tloaelehileng ea lehong, e nang le boima bo phahameng ba holim'a metsi, ka kakaretso 2 - makhetlo a 5 ho feta a lehong.

Ke habohlokoa ho hlokomela hore PE-based WPC e hloka ho phekoloa ka lisebelisoa tsohle tse tala le tse thusang pele li kopanya le granulation, ho seng joalo, liketso tsohle tsa lihlahisoa tse lokiselitsoeng tse kang li-profile kapa lipoleiti li tla fokola 'me li ke ke tsa khona ho kopana. tshebediso.

Mathata a Bohlokoa a Kopanetsoeng ho PE-based Wood Plastic Composites Processing:

  • Wood phofo sebopeho ke fluffy, ha ho bonolo ho qhalakanya evenly, ho le thata ho extrude, 'me ho le bonolo ho agglomerate, haholo-holo ha lehong phofo e na le ho feta mongobo tla hangata hlaha "bridging" le "tšoara molamu" ketsahalo.
  • Ho se tsitse ha lijo ho tla lebisa ho phetoho ea extrusion fluctuation, e hlahisang boleng ba extrusion le ho fokotsa lihlahisoa. Tšitiso ea ho fepa, thepa e ka har'a barrel e lelefatsa nako ea ho lula, e bakang ho chesa ha lintho le ho fetoha ha mmala, ho ama boleng ba kahare le ponahalo ea lihlahisoa.

Lisebelisoa tse tala le tse thusang tsa li-pellets tsa polasetiki tsa PE li hloka li-additives tse nepahetseng ho fetola bokaholimo ba polima le phofo ea patsi ho ntlafatsa kamano ea sefahleho lipakeng tsa phofo ea patsi le resin. Palo e phahameng ea phofo ea patsi ka har'a phello e qhibilihisitsoeng ea thermoplastic dispersion ha e ntle, e etsa hore metsi a qhibilihe a fokotsehe, mathata a ho sebetsa ka extrusion a ka eketsoa ho ntlafatsa mokelikeli oa metsi.mafura a entsoeng ka lehong-polasetikiho thusa ho bopa extrusion, ka nako e ts'oanang, matrix ea polasetiki e boetse e hloka ho eketsa mefuta e fapaneng ea li-additives ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea eona ea ts'ebetso le lihlahisoa tsa eona li sebelisa ts'ebetso.


Litharollo tse Atlehang tsa Phallo ea Lubrication bakeng sa PE-basedWPCkaSILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322:

Ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea pellet ea lehong ea PE,SILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322, tharollo e entsoeng ka ho khetheha ea lubricant bakeng sa ho etsa motsoako oa lehong, e ea sebetsa. Keketso ena e sebetsana le mathata a fapaneng mme e kenya letsoho ts'ebetsong e hlophisitsoeng ea tlhahiso:

SILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322 is tharollo ea lubricant bakeng sa WPC e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha ho etsa likarolo tsa lehong PE le PP WPC (lisebelisoa tsa polasetiki tsa lehong). Karolo ea mantlha ea sehlahisoa sena ke polysiloxane e fetotsoeng, e nang le lihlopha tse sebetsang tsa polar, ho lumellana ho babatsehang le resin le phofo ea lehong, ts'ebetsong ea ho sebetsa le ho hlahisa li ka ntlafatsa ho hasana ha phofo ea lehong, 'me ha e ame phello ea ho lumellana ha li-compatibilizers tsamaisong. , e ka ntlafatsa ka katleho thepa ea mochine oa sehlahisoa. Keketso ena ea WPC ha e na litšenyehelo, e na le phello e ntle ea lubrication, e ka ntlafatsa thepa ea ts'ebetso ea matrix resin, hape e ka etsa hore sehlahisoa se be bonolo. E betere ho feta boka ba WPC kapa li-additives tsa WPC stearate.

To phaella ka SILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322e ka bapala likarolo tse ngata tlhahisong ea PE-basedWPC, ho kenyeletsa:

Tshebetso e ntlafetseng:SILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322e fokotsa viscosity ea thepa nakong ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, e ntlafatsa phallo ea ho qhibiliha, 'me e etsa hore phofo ea lehong e qhalane ka mokhoa o ts'oanang, kahoo e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le boleng ba mokhoa oa ho bopa kapa oa extrusion.

Tšebeliso e fokotsehileng ea matla:E le tlatsetso eaSILIKE WPC tlatsetso SILIMER 5322e fokotsa viscosity ea thepa, matla a fokolang a sebelisoa nakong ea extrusion kapa ente ea ho bopa, kahoo e fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso.

Ntlafatso ea boleng ba bokaholimo:chelete e nepahetseng eaSILIKE WPC mafura a SILIMER 5322e ka fokotsa bokaholimo ba thepa, ea ntlafatsa sephetho sa bokaholimo le ponahalo ea sehlahisoa, mme ha e ame thepa ea mochini oa sehlahisoa.

Ho fokotsa khatello ea maikutlo: SILIKE Setlolo sa polasetiki sa Wood SILIMER 5322e ka etsa filimi ea lubricant holim'a sehlahisoa, ea fokotsa ho ferekana le ho roala ha sehlahisoa nakong ea tšebeliso, le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba tšebeletso ea sehlahisoa.

Ka kakaretso, tlatsetso ealisebelisoa tsa lehong-polasetiki SILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322ha e ntlafatse ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso feela empa hape e tlisa lubrication e bolokang chelete e ngata ho metsoako ea PE ea polasetiki ea lehong. Sephetho ke ts'ebetso e bonolo ea tlhahiso e nang le boleng bo ntlafalitsoeng ba ponahalo le ts'ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng ea sehlahisoa.

Fumana ts'ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng le melemo ea WPC kaSILIKE Additive Masterbatch SILIMER 5322 (Lubricant Processing Aids For WPC).

Ithute haholoanyane howww.siliketech.com.

Nako ea poso: Dec-20-2023